Part Details:

  • Year: 2006
  • Part list: Chain case housing
  • Part number: 20
  • OEM number: #11147B
  • Description: O-RING, HOUSING COVER
  • Package: 1
  • Average price: 2 USD
  • Referral # : 10 (check diagram for referral #, get microfiche diagram)

Where can I get O-RING, HOUSING COVER ?

If you look after new or branded parts the best choice is: They have the largest selection and availability of Harley Davidson genuine parts, Period! You can search through the site either by keywords: (O-RING, HOUSING COVER) and OEM#: 11147B...use the search box on top right corner for that OR you can search by model (FXST SOFTAIL STANDARD BH) and year(2006) use drop down menu for selection on left side. All orders above 99 USD are shipped FREE of charge and you have a 120 day return policy. They have great prices and excellent, top rated customer service (world wide shipping).

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